No Dark Magic

books, Sweden, and computers, not necessarily in any order

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher W. Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, Shlomo Angel

Posted at — Nov 24, 2018

I picked it up as a recommendation from a conference talk on programming, having gotten an impression that it would help me figure out how to arrange things in my new home. Instead, the book started with a hefty introduction and a proposal on what kind of a world order one should strive to build.

It’s rich with ideas, humane, sometimes unbearably naive, sometimes sharply shrewd. It’s written by people who obviously care and who’ve tried and seen a lot in their field.

And it does explain how to arrange things in your new home, somewhere between pages 700 and I don’t remember :)


(1216 pages, ISBN: 0195019199, Worldcat, Open Library)

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